Emergency Relief
WestAus Accommodation Advocacy & Support Peel is a program aimed at assisting people in the Peel region who are having trouble maintaining their private rental accommodation. WestAus will offer these clients a range of services to overcome their individual circumstances.
We will act on behalf of our clients with creditors in an effort to achieve the best long term outcome for our clients.
Where people can be assisted once per year with a small payment to help in a crisis situation.
Healthy Breakfast Club
Emergency Accommodation
Christmas Hampers
This program aims to promote healthy eating for children attending primary school and in particular those children whose home environment sees them attending school hungry.
WestAus has 2 crisis houses and 8 transitional crisis houses which cater for people who are single, in a family or escaping domestic violence.
WestAus coordinate and apply for funding for the Peel Christmas Hamper Appeal, we give out 1200 hampers throughout the region, working together with non-government and government agencies.
Food Aid
Refresh Showers
WestAus assists people with a food hamper so they can manage outstanding debts.
Often people have a range of issues affecting their family’s lives. Where WestAus is unable to assist, we will recommend and refer these people to an agency in the region that may be able to assist them.
WestAus offers hot showers to those in need.
Where people can be assisted once per year with a small payment to help in a crisis situation. This program is designed to assist people who are facing a crisis situation where people receive an appointment with one of our professional staff member’s to identify their immediate crisis and any other issues that are effecting their ability to pay utility bills, rent, medication or medical bills.
The assessor will work together with the client to establish what referrals or advocacy is necessary to resolve their situation. In some cases this will involve working together with several different agencies within the region or the metropolitan area. This may require linking client to health providers, job network providers or financial counsellors to assist with Centrelink issues.
This program is designed and delivered to give clients a hand-up out of their current circumstances as crisis situations can affect all of us at one time or another as we saw with the Global Financial Crisis or a downturn in the mining sector.
According to the client’s individual needs, referrals are organised for support with various areas, i.e. counselling, parenting, budgeting/financial counselling, food, relationship counselling, utility bills (Synergy/Alinta), drug & alcohol services, youth services, disability services, etc.
Once support has been provided and the tenancy is back on track, the Housing Support Officer will continue to make follow up calls to confirm if any further assistance is required.
Following support from WestAus Housing Support Officers, 90% of tenancies which were previously at risk are secured. Of the 10% of tenancies which were not saved, 5% were due to the client’s non-compliance and 5% were to the client seeking assistance after the tenancy court hearing.
The program is for people in the Peel region experiencing tenancy issues such as:
Behind with your rent?
Facing eviction?
Having trouble meeting real estate agency/landlords property standards?
Facing breaches regularly from the real estate agent/landlord?
Having difficulty speaking to the property manager?
Having problems with neighbours?
To book an appointment for support call 08 9582 9920. Referrals are also received from other support services, Real Estate Agents and Landlords.
When attending appointments, clients are required to bring along:
Tenancy agreement
Identification showing a Peel address
Breach/termination notices
This is a confidential service from friendly qualified staff, who will ensure clients are treated with respect at all times.
The appointment will be with a Housing Support Worker to talk about:
Tenancy issues/how to get the tenancy back on track.
Increasing clients knowledge & skills in areas that will assist in maintaining the tenancy in the long term.
Developing a budget plan for the household
Assisting clients to develop links to other community resources and services that can help.
Discussing payment plans to overcome rental arrears.
Advocating with the Property Manager/Landlords on behalf of the clients.
Assisting with mediation and conflict resolution in relation to the accommodation.
Offering skills based workshops
Food support can also be offered
The aim of the program is to assist families and individuals who are experiencing homelessness.
Clients are generally referred by Crisis accommodation services but others who may be assisted are staying with friends, couch surfing, sleeping in cars/shed/rough. Clients may be referred to an appropriate Crisis accommodation, assessed and offered WestAus transitional/crisis accommodation (if vacancies permit) or assisted with information in seeking private rental options.
The Homelessness Worker can assist with information about procedures regarding the Housing Authority eg bond, waitlist, priority assistance. Also advice regarding private rental. The Homelessness Worker can advocate if appropriate and works in conjunction with clients to identify any barriers, issues or difficulties that are preventing them from finding suitable accommodation.
Connect, advocate and liaise with relevant services such as:
Pat Thomas House, Calvary Youth Service, Housing Authority, Community Housing Services, Peel Mental Health, Palmerston, CPFS, Centrelink, counselling or parenting services, financial counsellors and welfare services which may assist clients to overcome difficulties and improve their situation.
The Homelessness Worker can provide ongoing support once long term housing has been obtained in either the public or private sector.
Clients must attend an assessment appointment and be willing to take part in developing support plans, follow through with tasks, accepting of home visits. Be willing to provide feedback 12 months after securing long term housing.
Are you Homeless? Do any of the following apply to you?
Staying in crisis accommodation
Staying with friends
In a caravan or tent long term
Sleeping in your car
Sleeping in a shed
Sleeping rough in bush or elsewhere
Experiencing domestic and family violence
Have a substance abuse condition
If any of those apply to you then you should contact the Peel Homelessness Support Worker at WestAus Crisis & Welfare Services who may be able to assist you.
*Our homeless program is funded by the Department of Communities under the National Partnership Agreement. NPAH Is a state and federally funded program which seeks to provide long term housing options for homeless individuals and families. Public housing services have agreed to allocate a percentage of their vacancies to clients referred by the Homelessness Workers working under the NPAH agreement.
If your situation meets with our criteria our worker will:
Work with you to identify any barriers or difficulties you are having that are preventing you from being housed.
Connect you to all relevant services and resources necessary to overcome any barriers.
Where necessary transport you to various pre-arranged appointments relating to your homeless situation.
Provide you with ongoing support for a period of up to 12 months.
If necessary give options and connect you with job providers or training facilities that will improve your ability to remain in suitable long term accommodation.
This program aims to promote healthy eating for children attending primary school and in particular those children whose home environment sees them attending school hungry.
Currently, we serve a healthy breakfast in 13 schools and 11500 breakfasts per school year. This program is not funded and currently works on sponsorship and small donations. Anyone seeking to volunteer or give a donation into this very rewarding program you can donate either via our web site or make a donation at the Mandurah Commonwealth Bank, Central Mandurah and you can claim a tax deduction.
We offer a hot shower for those in need on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday between 8:30am and 12pm.
The service is operated four days per week at the Tuart Avenue Hub which is located at the end of 1st Avenue, look for the Yellow Gate near the Community Kitchen.
For more information please contact:
WestAus Crisis and Welfare services on 95829920 or email: admin@westauscrisis.com.au