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Healthy Breakfast Club: Another First

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

May 14, 2016

We were really pleased during the last school term to introduce the Healthy Breakfast club into our first High School.

Coodanup Community College recognized that a number of their students were attending school without having had breakfast and the asked us if we could introduce the Healthy Breakfast Club to their school.

Whilst doing so put a strain on our financial resources we were happy to grasp the opportunity to commence operations at a High School for the first time, all our other schools being Primary Schools.

With the strong support of Vance Bryan (Student Services Manager) and David Woods (School Chaplain) we now provide breakfast two days per week to an average number of 30 students per day.

We are especially grateful to the staff of the Coodanup Community College who roster themselves on tp provide the breakfast, and through this process they are able to interact with their students at a different level and improve their rapport with them.

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